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Meet The Team

This is built using the Page Builder plugin. There have been edits to the component -> team -> style -> style.css file

The original and the current 2019-12-20 versions are both attached. 

In addition, there was also an edit to the component -> team -> class -> PB.Component.Team.class.php file

The original and the current 2019-12-20 versions are both attached.


On the Meet The Team pages, the layout that was 50/50 was replaced with the 100 (single column). Then, that layout was made to match the outgoing, old 50/50

Changes needed:

  • Add teampics css class
  • Change top padding to 50, bottom padding to 60
  • #F5F5F5 background color

The Team component needed to select the new Central Office as well as the old Central Office - Left and Central Office - Right. It also needed to be changed over to template 2.