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Death or Serious Injury to a Child or Staff Member Intake Form

What defines a serious injury?

A serious injury typically involves harm or damage to the body that requires immediate medical attention and may result in significant consequences if left untreated. Serious injuries can vary in severity but generally pose a risk to the individual's health, safety, or well-being.

Examples include:
-Suspected or Confirmed Concussion
-Suspected or Confirmed Broken Bone
-Any medical emergency where 911 is called
-Administration of CPR
-Loss of Consciousness
-Major burn or bleeding
-Ingestion of toxic materials
-Serious allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock (ex: use of Epi Pen)
-Sexual assault

The Rapid Response Intake Forms are designed to quickly gather essential information during or following a critical incident. This form is designed to be concise and efficient, and will guide you in collecting critical details rapidly to ensure an appropriate and timely response.  The goal is for the Rapid Response team to support you!  

Plan to upload any documentation currently available (e.g. texts, emails, witness statements, social media, etc.) into the form and send any additional documentation currently available (e.g., texts, emails, witness statements, social media, etc.) to Please remember to specify the District and School name in your email.

Report a death or serious injury to a child or staff member