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Health and Safety Requirements

California Heritage - Licensing Information 

Qualifications: Right At School Exempt Qualifications

Health and Safety Requirements: 

Director: 15 hours of health and safety training. The training shall include all of the following components:

   (1) Pediatric first aid.

   (2) Pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

   (3) A preventive health practices course or courses that include instruction in the recognition, management, and prevention of infectious diseases, including immunizations, and prevention of childhood injuries.


  • Pediatric First Aid/CPR must be provided by a program approved by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, or the Emergency Medical Services Authority pursuant to Section 1797.191 of the Health and Safety Code.   
  • Health and Safety training must be provided by a training program approved by the Emergency Medical Services Authority.
  • Training programs or courses in pediatric first aid, pediatric CPR, and preventive health practices offered or approved by an accredited postsecondary educational institution are considered to be approved sources of training.

If staff has already completed the above requirements: 

Persons who, prior to the effective date of this section, have completed a course or courses in preventive health practices as described in paragraph (3), and have a certificate of completion of a course or courses in preventive health practices, or certified copies of transcripts that identify the number of hours and the specific course or courses taken for training in preventive health practices, shall be deemed to have met the training requirement for preventive health practices pursuant to paragraph (3).

Mandated Reporter Requirements:

Director and all employees must be mandated reporters and subject to the requirements established by the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act.

(A) The employer is aware that it is encouraged to provide its employees with training in the duties imposed by the act.

(B) Employees have signed a statement provided by the employer that the employees have knowledge of the act and will comply with its provisions.

(C) Employees have been notified by the employer of their reporting obligations and confidentiality rights, pursuant to Section 11165.9 of the Penal Code.

Background Requirements: 

  • Submit Fingerprints to DOJ for State and Federal criminal history report.